Category Archives: Ventura Village Committees

Ventura Village Housing And Land Use Committee Statement of Goals

by the Housing And Land Use Committee

All land within Ventura Village boundaries will be used for the benefit of residents, that is, there will be no vacant lots and no boarded houses.

All constructions projects are a vehicle for hiring people in our community.

We will support tenants living with problem landlords.

We shall preserve and protect historic buildings and land.

We shall continue our community partnership with the Minneapolis Park Board for our two Parks.


Community Engagement Committee


Purpose of  Community Engagement Committee

The purpose of  this committee is to develop and implement plans to insure maximum resident involvement in the programs and participation in the public meetings of  The Ventura Village Neighborhood  Organization.  This will include developing outreach programs to include residents from all age, ethnic, racial groups and economic groups.

Download AMEN_CORNER_Final Report to Community Engagement Committee (Word format)

Wellness, Gardening & Greening Committee Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Ventura Village Wellness, Gardening & Greening Committee is to enhance the wellness of Ventura Village residents through optimized physical activities, social networking, support for individual and community gardens and healthy eating initiatives. We design these activities and infrastructures with sustainability, community involvement, and environmental justice as core values.