October 2023 General Membership Minutes

Minutes of the October 11th, 2023
Ventura Village General Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chair Marti Maltby
Those present at the meeting introduced themselves. Throughout the meeting 12 members attended.

Motion: (Watson/Ihde) Approval of the October 11, 2023 proposed agenda. Passed with Recommendation 2310-2 removed due to it being a duplicate motion with 2310-3 (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/Adam) Approval of the September 13, 2023 minutes. Passed (10 yes/0 no/1 abstain)

Motion: (Ihde/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2310-1: Approval of 2024 Application for Network and Equitable Engagement Funds. Passed (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Ihde/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2310-3: NRP MOTION: Move that Ventura Village request that the City of Minneapolis approve extension for Ventura Village NRP Contract 25585  to December 31, 2024. Passed (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Ihde/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2310-4: Move to support the sale of the Dundree to Clare House and Southside Harm Reduction. Passed (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Ihde/Watson) Adjourn at 8:26pm. Passed (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)