Category Archives: Board Minutes

March 2024 Board Minutes and Financials

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Minutes of the March 13th, 2024

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:06pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson

Unexcused: Rico Morales, Kellen Gustafson

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) To approve the agenda for the March 13, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) To approve the minutes for the February 14, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) Recommendation 2403-1: To allocate $500 from Ventura Village’s undesignated funds to establish engagement of targeted groups (e.g. purchase of gift cards). Passed

Motion: (Dreyer/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2403-2: Recommendation for Committee chairs:

Housing and Land Use –  co-chairs Thor Adam and Ray Peterson

Crime and Safety – Thor Adam

Community Engagement – co-chairs Steve Dreyer and Rico Morales

Parks – co-chairs Mary Watson and Thor Adam

Wellness and Gardening – co-chairs Steve Dreyer and Rico Morales


Motion: (R. Peterson/Ihde) Move that the officers of Ventura Village, Inc. be instructed to file a Charitable Organization Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 2023 with the Attorney General’s Office of Minnesota pursuant to state Laws governing charitable organization soliciting or intending to solicit contributions in excess of $25,000 or having paid staff or using a professional fundraiser, and that the content of that report, as presented in the draft are approved. Passed

Motion: Process for approval for direct “on-line” payments.  For example: Bremer Insurance is asking for direct payment for Directors and Officers Insurance. There was much discussion. The decision was made to create an ad-hoc committee to deal with online payments.

Motion: Approval of MOUs for Equitable Engagement Implementation

(R. Peterson/Dreyer) Move approval of MOU with Norway House. Passed – See below for MOU details

Motion: Opioid Community Survey. Motion details: (Maltby/Ihde) Ventura Village will disseminate the City’s Opioid Community Survey as widely as possible. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Adjourned due to time

February 2024 Board Minutes and Financials

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Minutes of the February 14th, 2024

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson

Unexcused: Rico Morales, Kellen Gustafson

Motion: (Dreyer/P. Peterson) To approve the agenda for the February 14, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Dreyer/Maltby) To approve the minutes for the January 10, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Dreyer/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2402-1: Move to support the Mille Lacs Mixed Use Project at 2224 Bloomington Avenue including any variances and zoning changes as necessary. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) Recommendation 2402-2: Move to approve the 2024 Equitable Engagement program budget and framework for the use of funds. Passed

Motion: (Adam/Dreyer) Review and approval of MOU with Waite House (already approved by NCR). Passed with addition of 10 new members expected by end of June.

Motion: (Adam/Dreyer) Move to write a letter supporting Hard in the Paint Hoops’ (HitPH) free basketball camp at the Phillips Community Center this summer and explain how the free program will be beneficial to the youth at the PCC. Passed

Motion: (Adam/Dreyer) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Motion: (Ihde/Adam) Adjourn at 6:30. Passed 

January 2024 Board Minutes and Financials

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Minutes of the January 10th, 2024

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:04pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson

Unexcused: Rico Morales, Kellen Gustafson

Motion: (Ihde/R. Peterson) To approve the agenda for the January 10, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the minutes for the December 13, 2023 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Adam/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2401-1: To approve the 2024 Budget. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Adam) Election of Executive Committee: Move Marti Maltby as Chair, Elizabeth Ihde as Vice Chair, Steve Dreyer as Secretary, and Ray Peterson as Treasurer. Passed

Motion: (Adam/Ihde) Move that Steve Dreyer be Ventura Village’s elector at the February 24, 2024 Community Connections Conference. Passed. Note: Elizabeth Ihde requested this to be on the agenda with the intent to choose an elector tonight.

Motion: R. Peterson/Adam) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Motion: (Adam/R. Peterson) Adjourn at 6:49. Passed 

December 2023 Board Minutes and Financials

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Minutes of the December 13th, 2023

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm by Vice-Chair Elizabeth Ihde

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson, Michelle Benson, Rico Morales

Excused: Marti Maltby

Unexcused: Melanie Majors

Motion: (R. Peterson/Morales) To approve the agenda for the December 13, 2023 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/P. Peterson) To approve the minutes for the November 8, 2023 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) Recommendation 2312-1: To adopt the attached Problem Solving Implementation Work Plan and allocate $2,000 to help begin the implementation. Passed

Motion: (P. Peterson/R. Peterson) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Motion: (Morales/Benson) Adjourn at 6:30. Passed 

November 2023 Board Minutes and Financials

MinutesBalance SheetIncome StatementCash Flow

Minutes of the November 8th, 2023

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson, Michelle Benson

Excused: Melanie Majors

Unexcused: Rico Morales

Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the agenda for the November 8, 2023 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the minutes for the October 11, 2023 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Adam) Recommendation 2311-1: Due to reports from the city that the benches are unsafe and cannot be repaired, Ventura Village supports the Park Board removal of the seating area and the archway at the southwest corner of Franklin and Chicago Avenues. AMENDED TO: Due to reports from the city that the benches are unsafe and cannot be repaired, Ventura Village supports the Park Board’s request for the city to remove the seating area and the archway at the southwest corner of Franklin and Chicago Avenues. Amended Motion Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2311-2: Move to send a letter to Becky Alper asking what the Park Board is going to do to get the field at Peavey Park back in use.  Passed

Motion: (Ihde/Benson) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Motion: (P. Peterson/Dreyer) Adjourn at 6:40. Passed