Category Archives: Membership Minutes

July 2022 General Membership Minutes

Minutes of the July 13th, 2022
Ventura Village General Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Chair Melanie Majors
Those present at the meeting introduced themselves.Throughout the meeting 12 members attended.

Motion: (Martin/Watson) Approval of the July 13, 2022 proposed agenda. Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Martin/Watson) Approval of the June 8, 2022 minutes. Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Martin/Watson) Recommendation 2207-1: Recommend the following budget changes to the NRP Admin Contract (see page 2). Passed (10 yes/0 no/1 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/R. Peterson) To adjourn at 8:07. Passed

June 2022 General Membership Minutes

Minutes of the June 8th, 2022
Ventura Village General Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by Chair Melanie Majors
Those present at the meeting introduced themselves. Throughout the meeting 15 members attended.

Motion: (Ihde/Rich) Approval of the June 8, 2022 proposed agenda. Passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/P. Peterson) Approval of the May 11, 2022 minutes. Passed (8 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Martin/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2206-1: Request no parking on the west side of 11th Avenue from 1920 11th Avenue to Franklin Avenue. Amended to “Request no parking on the west side of 11th Avenue from 1910 11th Avenue to Franklin Avenue while Hiawatha is under construction.” Passed as amended (13 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Martin/Benson) Recommendation 2206-2: Move to support the Chicago Crossings redevelopment pending that adequate management, maintenance and security be provided.
Failed (0 yes/9 no/3 abstain)

Motion: (Benson/Martin) To adjourn at 8:20. Passed

May 2022 General Membership Minutes

Minutes of the May 11th, 2022
Ventura Village General Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chair Melanie Majors
Those present at the meeting introduced themselves.Throughout the meeting 14 members attended.

Motion: (Rich/Adam) Approval of the May 11, 2022 proposed agenda. Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Adam/Watson) Approval of the April 13, 2022 minutes. Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2205-1:
Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
Phase II

This following proposed wording change will allow Ventura Village to expand the use of funds that were previously only contracted for Off-duty Police, to be used for peacekeeping and crime prevention strategies.
“Continue to hire off-duty police to police high crime areas of Ventura Village and to create and support strategies and coalitions with residents and neighborhood partners to reduce crime, to improve public safety and to maintain peace.”
Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/Ihde) Recommendation 2205-2: Move to spend up to 17000 for the Southside Peacekeeping Coalition from the Community Safety grant. Passed (10 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Adjourned at 8:08 due to weather