Minutes of the December 13th, 2023
Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm by Vice-Chair Elizabeth Ihde
Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson, Michelle Benson, Rico Morales
Excused: Marti Maltby
Unexcused: Melanie Majors
Motion: (R. Peterson/Morales) To approve the agenda for the December 13, 2023 meeting. Passed
Motion: (R. Peterson/P. Peterson) To approve the minutes for the November 8, 2023 meeting. Passed
Motion: (R. Peterson/Dreyer) Recommendation 2312-1: To adopt the attached Problem Solving Implementation Work Plan and allocate $2,000 to help begin the implementation. Passed
Motion: (P. Peterson/R. Peterson) Receive and file the financial report. Passed
Motion: (Morales/Benson) Adjourn at 6:30. Passed