May 2024 Board Minutes and Financials

MinutesBalance SheetIncome StatementCash Flow

Minutes of the May 8th, 2024

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:06pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson, Rico Morales, Kellen Gustafson

Excused: Nardal Stroud

Motion: (Morales/R. Peterson) To approve the agenda for the May 8, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Gustafson/Dreyer) To approve the minutes for the April 10, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Morales) Recommendation 2405-1: To send a letter to Metro Transit requesting the removal of the East Bound bus shelter at 10th Avenue and Franklin due to safety concerns. Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Adam) Recommendation 2405-2: To fund an ad in the Southside Pride notifying residents of potential roof damage from the August 2023 hail storms. Jim G. will prepare the ad. Amended to “To fund an ad in the Southside Pride notifying residents of potential roof damage for filing an insurance claim from the August 2023 hail storms.” Passed

Motion: (R. Peterson/Adam) Authorize the Executive Committee to enter into MOUs for Equitable Engagement program between board meetings. Passed

Motion: (Adam/R. Peterson) To adopt the following Posting Requirements as policy for Ventura Village (See page 2 of the General Membership Meeting Agenda). Passed

Motion: Approval of MOUs for Equitable Engagement Implementation. No motion made

Motion: (Adam/Gustafson) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Motion: (Adam/Gustafson) Adjourn at 6:43. Passed