Minutes of the November 8th, 2023
Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm by Chair Marti Maltby
Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Ray Peterson, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Thor Adam, Patti Peterson, Michelle Benson
Excused: Melanie Majors
Unexcused: Rico Morales
Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the agenda for the November 8, 2023 meeting. Passed
Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the minutes for the October 11, 2023 meeting. Passed
Motion: (R. Peterson/Adam) Recommendation 2311-1: Due to reports from the city that the benches are unsafe and cannot be repaired, Ventura Village supports the Park Board removal of the seating area and the archway at the southwest corner of Franklin and Chicago Avenues. AMENDED TO: Due to reports from the city that the benches are unsafe and cannot be repaired, Ventura Village supports the Park Board’s request for the city to remove the seating area and the archway at the southwest corner of Franklin and Chicago Avenues. Amended Motion Passed
Motion: (R. Peterson/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2311-2: Move to send a letter to Becky Alper asking what the Park Board is going to do to get the field at Peavey Park back in use. Passed
Motion: (Ihde/Benson) Receive and file the financial report. Passed
Motion: (P. Peterson/Dreyer) Adjourn at 6:40. Passed