September 2024 Board Minutes and Financials

MinutesBalance SheetIncome StatementCash Flow

Minutes of the September 11th, 2024

Ventura Village Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:04pm by Chair Marti Maltby

Present: Elizabeth Ihde, Steve Dreyer, Marti Maltby, Patti Peterson, Kellen Gustafson, Nardal Stroud

Excused: Thor Adam, Rico Morales

Unexcused: Bashe Said, Ray Peterson

Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) To approve the agenda for the September 11, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Dreyer/Gustafson) To approve the minutes for the June 12, 2024 meeting. Passed

Motion: (Ihde//P. Peterson) Recommendation 2409-1: Demand that the city enforce businesses to pick-up their trash within a two block radius of their business. Motion then withdrawn after some discussion. Tabled until next month.

Motion: (P. Peterson/Ihde) Recommendation 2409-2: To draft a letter that Ventura Village has no interest in merging with other neighborhoods. Passed

Motion: (P. Peterson/Dreyer) Recommendation 2409-3: Approve 1) Ventura Village Financial Policies and Procedures Manual and 2) Ventura Village Policies and Procedures document. (Both can be found on Ventura Village website). After discussion a motion (P. Peterson/Dreyer) was made to table this recommendation to next month. Motion to table passed.

Motion: (Dreyer/P. Peterson) Approval of MOUs for Equitable Engagement Implementation. Passed

Motion: (Ihde/Dreyer) Receive and file the financial report. Passed

Adjourned due to time