May 2023 General Membership Minutes

Minutes of the May 10th, 2023
Ventura Village General Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chair Marti Maltby
Those present at the meeting introduced themselves. Throughout the meeting 13 members attended.

Motion: (Watson/P. Peterson) Approval of the May 10, 2023 proposed agenda. Passed (11 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (P. Peterson/Morales) Approval of the April 12, 2023 minutes. Passed (10 yes/0 no/2 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/P. Peterson) Recommendation 2305-1: In concept Ventura Village supports expanding the Native American Community Clinic and developing housing on the west half of the Franklin Circles Shopping Center site with the following conditions:

1. The building is limited to 4 stories in height in compliance with the Ventura Village Master Plan.

2. More information is provided on setbacks

3. More information is provided on parking and auto access.

4. More information about green space/landscaping (amendment by Lehman/P. Peterson – amendment passed 12 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

**Motion passed (10 yes/0 no/2 abstain)**

Motion: (P. Peterson/Watson) Recommendation 2305-2: To support ICCM’s annual event taking place August 17th in ICCM’s Life Center parking lot and August 18th in Peavey Park. Amended by R. Peterson/Watson to read “To support ICCM’s request for a permit for their annual event taking place August 17th in ICCM’s Life Center parking lot and August 18th in Peavey Park. Amendment passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain). Motion passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain) 

Motion: (Watson/R. Peterson) Recommendation 2305-3: Ventura Village moves to adopt the two attached position papers. Amended by (P. Peterson/Lehman) to change first person references to generalized references in the “Problems with the Minneapolis 2040 Plan” paper. Amendment passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain). Motion passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain)

Motion: (Watson/P. Peterson) To adjourn at 8:23. Passed (12 yes/0 no/0 abstain)