Category Archives: Committee Agendas

November 2024 Committee Agenda

November 21st at ICCM (1812 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis 55404). Meet on the second floor.

1. Crime & Safety update

2. Update on Peavey Park meeting about the benches and artwork in the park

3. Equitable Engagement:

• Report from working group

• Sponsoring tables at event

• Other engagement strategies/ideas

4. Annual Meeting

• Board nominations 

• Barriers to board recruitment

5. Board training

6. Meeting decorum

7. Old business

October 2024 Committee Agenda

October 31st at ICCM (1812 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis 55404). Meet on the second floor.

  1. CUHHC expansion plans (5:30 pm time certain)
  2. Peavey Park
    a) November 14th meeting to discuss future of Peavey Park Gateway: 6 pm at Our Savior’s
    Lutheran Church. Scan QR code to RSVP
    b) Fencing (Bancroft Meadows at 42nd Street & Bloomington; Merwyn Triangle Park at
    Franklin Ave & 26th Avenue)
    c) Watering (Gold Medal Park)
  3. Crime & Safety update (Kali) and police rep
    a) Prostitution
    b) Encampment murders on 15th between East 21st and East 22nd
    c) Chicago/Franklin
    d) Peace Keepers (Mary)
  4. Meeting decorum
  5. Report from the Equitable Engagement planning group and agenda for next meeting
    a) Policy manual
    b) Participation incentives
    c) MOUs
    d) Thanksgiving funding request
  6. Group buying
    a) bullet resistant window film
  7. Report on Oct 19 th Clean Sweep
  8. Update on trash generation letter
  9. Public Works Community Engagement consulting pool
  10. November meeting date